Malayalam is a very authentic language where people believes in astrology before naming their child.
In this article we have brought you the list of Baby Names in Malayalam Language along with the meaning of each and every word.
Therefore you will not find difficulty in finding the Malayalam pronunciation of the word and also you will be able to seek the meaning of the word. This will help you in finalizing a name for your child.
Early morning fragrance; Entertaining companion; Wind
Saamod (സാമോദ)
Pleased; Happy; Fragrant
Saanal (സാനല)
Fiery; Energetic; Powerful; Vigorous
Saanidhya (സാനിധ്യ)
Abode of God; Nera
Saanjya (സംജയ)
Unique; Incomparable
Saaran (സാരന)
Surrender; Running; Lily; Yard of a sail
Best Baby Names in Malayalam Language
Hindu Baby Boy Names in Malayalam Language Starting with D
Daithyakulantaka (ദൈത്യകുലാംതകാ)
Destroyer of demons
Daitya (ദൈത്യ)
A non Aryan
Daitya Sai (ദൈത്യ സാഈ)
Non Aryan
Daityakarya (ദൈത്യകാര്യ)
Vidhyataka destroyer of all demons activities
Daivansh (ദൈവംശ)
From God’s familiy
Daivat (ദൈവത)
Luck; Powerful; Divinity; Heart of the God
Daivey (ദൈവേയ)
Dearly loved
Daivik (ദൈവിക)
By the grace of God, Divine, Relating to Gods
Daivit (ദൈവീത)
God’s gift
Daivya (ദൈവ്യാ)
Divine; Heavenly; Wonderful
Daiwik (ദൈവിക)
By the grace of God; Divine; Relating to the God
Daksh (ദക്ഷ)
Capable; Son of Lord Brahma; Fire; Gold; Talented; Excellent; Vigorous talented
Dakshak (ദക്ഷക)
Able daughter
Dakshesh (ദക്ഷേഷ)
Lord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva
Daksheshwar (ദക്ഷേശ്വര)
Lord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva
Dakshi (ദക്ഷീ)
Golden; Son; Son of Daksh; The glorious
Dakshin (ദക്ഷിണ)
South direction; Clever; Competent; Talented; Sincere
Dakshinayan (ദക്ഷിണായന)
Some movement of the Sun
Best Baby Names in Malayalam Language
Hindu Baby Boy Names in Malayalam Language Starting with K
Kachap (കാചാപ)
Cloud drinker; Leaf
Kadamb (കദമ്ബ)
Name of a tree
Kadamban (കദംബന)
Lord Murugan; Muruga came to Tamilnadu with Kadamba rulers, Muruga wields the Kadamba stalk in his hands
Kaditula (കദീതുലാ)
Kahaan (കഹാന)
The world; Lord Krishna; Universe
Kahan (കഹാന)
The world; Lord Krishna; Universe
Kaher (കഹര)
Kahkashan (കഹകശാന)
Kailas (കൈലാസ)
One who bestows peace; Name of a Himalayan peak; Abode of Lord Shiva
Kailash (കൈലാശ)
One who bestows peace; Name of a Himalayan peak; Abode of Lord Shiva
Kailashadhipati (കൈലാശധിപതി)
Lord of mount Kailash
Best Baby Names in Malayalam Language
Baby Boy Names in Malayalam Language
Nabhij (നാഭിജ)
Lord Brahma; Born from the navel
Nabhinath (നാഭിനാഥ)
Nabhith (നാഭിത)
Nabhoj (നഭോജ)
Born in Sky
Nabhomani (നഭോമനീ)
Jewel of the Sky; The Sun
Nabil (നബീല)
Noble; Generous; Peacock
Nabin (നബീന)
Nabina (നബീനാ)
Nachik (നചിക)
A short form of Nachiketa
Nachiket (നചികേത)
Son of vajashravas
Nachiketa (നചികേതാ)
An ancient Rishi; Fire
Nachiketas (നചികേതസ)
The name of the boy who went to see Lord Yama and got Brahma Vidya from Yama
Best Baby Names in Malayalam Language
Names for Babies Kerala
Nadapratithishta (നാദപ്രതിതിഷ്ഠാ)
One who appreciates and loves music
Nadeep (നദീപ)
Lord of wealth
Nadeesh (നദീശ)
God of river; Ocean; Hope; Lord of water
Nadin (നാദീന)
Lord of rivers; Ocean
Nadir (നാദിര)
Fresh; Dear; Rare; Pinnacle
Nadish (നദിശ)
God of river; Ocean; Hope; Lord of water
Nag Raj (നാഗ-രാജ)
King of the serpents; King of cobras
Nagabhushan (നാഗഭുഷണ)
One who wears snakes as ornaments, Lord Shiva
Nagabhushana (നാഗഭൂഷണ)
One who has serpents as ornaments
Nagabhushanam (നാഗഭുഷണമ)
God Shankar, Lord Shiva
Nagaiah (നാഗൈഃ)
Lord cobra
Best Baby Names in Malayalam Language
Malayalam Nicknames for Babies
Laasak (ലാസക)
Dancer; Body; Playful; Peacock
Laavnay (ലാവണ്യ)
Laayak (ലായക)
Fit; Clever; Capable
Labh (ലാഭ)
Labhansh (ലാഭാംശ)
A part of the profit
Lachman (ലാച്മന)
Younger brother of Ram
Ladu (ലാഡു)
Lagan (ലഗാന)
Appropriate time; Devotion; Love; The rising of the Sun or planets
Laghun (ലഘുന)
Lahiri (ലാഹിരീ)
Lajjak (ലജ്ജാക)
Lajjan (ലജ്ജാന)
Lajjit (ലജ്ജിത)
Bashful; Modest; Shy; Blushing
Lakesh (ലാകേശ)
Cinnamon tree
Lakhan (ലഖന)
Brother of Lord Rama; Successful; Achiever; Distinguished; With auspicious marks
Lakhit (ലേഖിത)
Lord Vishnu
Lakhith (ലഖിത)
Lord Vishnu
Lakit (ലകിത)
Lakni (ലകനീ)
Laksay (ലാസ്യം)
Malik (Lord)
Laksh (ലക്ഷ)
Aim; Target; Goal; Sign
Lakshak (ലക്ഷക)
Ray of beauty; Expressing indirectly
Lakshan (ലക്ഷണ)
The aim; One with auspicious signs; Propitious; Distinguished; Mark; The half- brother of God Raam
Lakshanya (ലക്ഷന്യ)
One who achieves; Successful; Distinguished; Objective
Lakshay (ലക്ഷ്യ)
Lakshayaditya (ലക്ഷ്യാദിത്യ)
Looks Like Sun; Destined Sun
Lakshin (ലക്ഷിണ)
One with auspicious marks; Propitious; Distinguished
Lakshit (ലക്ഷിത)
Distinguished; Regarded
Lakshith (ലക്ഷിത)
Lakshman (ലക്ഷ്മണ)
Prosperous; Brother of Lord Rama; Born to give
Lakshmana (ലക്ഷ്മണാ)
Prosperous; Brother of Lord Rama; Born to give
Lakshmanapranadata (ലക്ഷ്മണപ്രാണദാതാ)
Reviver of Lakshmana’s life
Lakshmanapranadatre (ലക്ഷ്മണപ്രാണദാത്രേ)
Reviver of lakshmanas life
Lakshmeesh (ലക്ഷ്മീശ)
Lord Vishnu, Lord of Lakshmi
Lakshmi Gopal (ലക്ഷ്മീഗോപാല)
Lord Vishnu
Lakshmi Kant (ലക്ഷ്മീകാംത)
Lord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi
Final Words
Here we have given you the possible list of all the beautiful Baby Names in Malayalam Language which you can name your child.
We have deeply thought before giving the suggestions of the above given names. Therefore you can also share the link of the article so as to seek the opinion of your friends and family before finalising the names.
If you have any other Baby Names in Malayalam Language you can post it in our comment and let us know so that we can add the name to our list.