We welcome you to our new set of article where we have explained Pu Baby Girl Names.
It would also be easy for you to choose as we have explained the meaning of each and every name.
Therefore it is the best site for you check the Pu Baby Girl Names.
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- 1 Pu Baby Girl Names
- 2 Pu Baby Girl Names Hindu
- 3 Pu Baby Girl Names Tamil
- 4 Pu Baby Girl Names Kannada
- 5 Pu se Baby Girl Names in Hindi
- 6 Pu Names Baby Girl Telugu
- 7 Baby Girl Names Starting with Pu in Sanskrit
- 8 Baby Girl Names Starting with Pu in Marathi
- 9 Baby Girl Names Starting with Pu in Tamil
- 10 Final Words
Pu Baby Girl Names
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Pu | Desire; Star | 1 |
Puja | Worship, Prayer, Idol Worship | 3 |
Pujashree | Worship | 4 |
Pujasri | Worship | 4 |
Pujeetha | TBD | 5 |
Puji | Gentle | 2 |
Pujita | Worshipped | 5 |
Pujitha | Prayer; Worshipping God | 4 |
Pujithaa | Worshipped | 5 |
Pujya | Respectable, Worshipped, Sacred | 1 |
Pujyasree | Name of Goddess Lakshmi | 3 |
Pujysrita | Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi | 4 |

Pu Baby Girl Names Hindu
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Puloma | Wife of the Sage Bhrigu | 6 |
Punam | Full Moon Night | 2 |
Punarnava | A Star | 9 |
Punarnavi | Always New | 8 |
Punarvi | New; Reborn | 2 |
Punasri | Retry; Again; To Start Again | 8 |
Puneet | Pure | 9 |
Punita | Pure; Holy; Sacred; Pious; Love | 9 |
Punnamma | Moon | 3 |
Punthali | A Doll | 2 |
Punvitha | TBD | 3 |
Punya | Auspicious, Virtuous, Good Work | 5 |
Punyarupa | Auspicious Beauty | 7 |
Punyavathi | Virtuous | 2 |
Punyavi | TBD | 9 |
Purahutika | Goddess Parvati | 9 |
Purala | Goddess Durga | 6 |
Purandhri | Mother of Vedas; Goddess | 1 |
Purinima | Full Moon; Complete | 2 |

Pu Baby Girl Names Tamil
Names | Meaning | Numerology |
Punyarupa | Auspicious Beauty | 7 |
Punyavathi | Virtuous | 2 |
Purabhi | Sunlight | 3 |
Purala புராலா | Goddess Durga; Guardian of fortresses | 8 |
Purandhri புராந்தரீ | Same as Gayatri | 3 |
Purani | Fulfilling, Completing | 7 |
Puravi | A Rage | 6 |
Puri பூரீ | City | 3 |
Purishika | God | 4 |
Purna பூர்ணா | Complete | 9 |
Purnima | Full Moon | 3 |
Purneetha | Complete Girl | 9 |
Purnema | Night and Day of the Full Moon | 7 |
Purnima | Complete; Full Moon; Synonyms | 2 |

Pu Baby Girl Names Kannada
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Prutha | The Earth, Daughter of Earth | 3 |
Pruthvi | Earth | 6 |
Pruthvishree | The Earth | 7 |
Puja | Worship, Prayer, Idol Worship | 3 |
Puji | Gentle | 2 |
Pujita | Worshipped | 5 |
Pujya | Respectable, Worshipped, Sacred | 1 |
Pulak | Eye; Gem | 7 |
Pulkita | Always Smiling, Prasann Mukh | 9 |
Puloma | Wife of the Sage Bhrigu | 6 |
Punam | Full Moon Night | 2 |
Punarnava | A Star | 9 |
Punarva | Reborn; Something Old Precious | 3 |
Punarvaa | Reborn; Something Old Precious | 4 |
Punarvi | New; Reborn | 2 |
Punarvika | Repeat Again | 5 |
Pundari | Lotus | 2 |
Puneet | Pure | 9 |
Punita | Pure; Holy; Sacred; Pious; Love | 9 |

Pu se Baby Girl Names in Hindi
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Purna | Complete; Abundant | 7 |
Purnakala | Complete | 5 |
Purnasri | Complete | 8 |
Purneema | Full Moon | 3 |
Purneetha | Complete Girl | 9 |
Purnika | Abundant; Complete | 9 |
Purnima | Complete; Full Moon; Synonyms | 2 |
Purvaja | Elder Sister | 8 |
Purvi | First; From the East; Beautiful | 5 |
Purvika | Orient; Formerly | 8 |
Purvitha | From the East | 7 |
Purwee | First, From the East | 7 |
Pusha | Nourishing | 2 |
Pushkala | Abundant; Full | 8 |
Pushpa | Blossom; Beautiful; Flowers | 9 |
Pushpagandha | Juhi Flower | 8 |
Pushpakumari | Decorated with Flowers | 1 |
Pushpalata | Flower Creeper | 7 |
Pushpanjali | Devote Flower to God | 1 |
Pushpanjli | Offering with the Flowers | 9 |
Pushpavali | Flower Vine | 8 |
Pushpika | Decorated with Flowers; Flower | 2 |

Pu Names Baby Girl Telugu
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Pushpita | Decorated with Flowers | 2 |
Pushpitha | Flower, Decorated with Flowers | 1 |
Pushyami | Star Name | 4 |
Pushyaraaga | A Precious Stone | 1 |
Puspalata | Flower of Lovely Leaf | 8 |
Puspalatha | Flower of Lovely Leaf | 7 |
Pusparani | Queen of Flowers | 7 |
Puspavathi | Possessing Flowers | 7 |
Puspha | Flowers; Blossom; Beautiful | 9 |
Puspita | Flowered; Decorated with Flowers | 3 |
Puspitha | Flowered; Blossomed | 2 |
Pusplata | Flower of Lovely Leaf | 7 |
Pusti | A Form of the Devi | 4 |
Putana | Blowing Hard | 1 |
Putul | Doll | 9 |
Puviksha | Mother of Earth | 8 |

Baby Girl Names Starting with Pu in Sanskrit
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Punita | Pure; Holy; Sacred; Pious; Love | 9 |
Punm | Full Moon | 1 |
Punnam | Full Moon; Also Spelt as Punam | 7 |
Punthali | A Doll | 2 |
Punya | Auspicious, Virtuous, Good Work | 5 |
Punyata | Blessings Gained for Good Work | 8 |
Punyatha | Blessing Gained for Good Work | 7 |
Punyavati | Full of Virtues, Righteous | 3 |
Punyavi | TBD | 9 |
Punyawati | Virtuous | 4 |
Punyesha | Good Work, Pious | 1 |
Purala | Goddess Durga | 6 |
Purandhri | Mother of Vedas; Goddess | 1 |
Purani | Fulfilling, Completing | 7 |
Purna | Complete; Abundant | 7 |
Purnama | Full; Complete; Full Moon | 3 |
Purnashri | With Fortune | 7 |
Purnata | Fullness; Complete | 1 |
Purneema | Full Moon | 3 |

Baby Girl Names Starting with Pu in Marathi
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Purnima | Complete; Full Moon; Synonyms | 2 |
Purnita | Complete; Fulfilled | 9 |
Purti | Purification; To Satisfy; Complete | 3 |
Purtika | To Satisfy; Complete | 6 |
Puruvi | From the East | 8 |
Purva | East, Elder, Name of a Nakshatra | 6 |
Purvaa | Elder; East | 7 |
Purvaja | Elder Sister | 8 |
Purvasha | Breeze; East | 7 |
Purvee | Fulfiller; One that Satiates | 6 |
Purvi | First; From the East; Beautiful | 5 |
Purvika | Orient; Formerly | 8 |
Purvisha | Earlier One | 6 |
Purwee | First, From the East | 7 |
Pusha | Nourishing | 2 |
Pushapa | Flowers; Beautiful; Blossom | 1 |
Pushpa | Blossom; Beautiful; Flowers | 9 |
Pushpagandha | Juhi Flower | 8 |
Pushpaja | Born from a Flower | 2 |
Pushpamanjari | Garland of Flowers | 3 |
Pushpangi | Flower Bodied | 3 |

Baby Girl Names Starting with Pu in Tamil
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Punnam | Full Moon; Also Spelt as Punam | 7 |
Punnya | TBD | 1 |
Punom | Full Moon | 7 |
Punthali | A Doll | 2 |
Punya | Auspicious, Virtuous, Good Work | 5 |
Punyarupa | Auspicious Beauty | 7 |
Punyashree | TBD | 6 |
Punyavi | TBD | 9 |
Purala | Goddess Durga | 6 |
Purandhri | Mother of Vedas; Goddess | 1 |
Purneema | Full Moon | 3 |
Purnima | Complete; Full Moon; Synonyms | 2 |
Purva | East, Elder, Name of a Nakshatra | 6 |

Final Words
In this article we have given the details of the Pu Baby Girl Names along with its meaning and numerology.
This will help you to check whether the name would be suitable for your child and also ensure the behavior of your child.
If you have any suggestions to add in this list you may inform us by just commenting in the comment box and we will add your reference to it.