275+ Best Boy Name List In 2025

275+ Best Boy Name List in 2023

We welcome you to the new set of article where we have explained the Boy Name List. If you follow Hindu culture and want to name your child with modern names then your search is over.

In this article we have given the list of all the top Boy Name List along with their meaning. Here we have given the best names of all the letters as we know how important a name for your child is.

195+ Best Royal Baby Boy Names

215+ Best J Names for Boy Hindu

Boy Name List

KaartikeyaSon of Shiva
KaashinaathLord of Kaashi
KabeerName of a Famous Poet / Saint
KabilSpear; Gatherer
KabirThe Great, Powerful, Leader
KadambName of a Tree
KailasAbode of Lord Shiva
KailashName of a Himalayan Peak
KailashchandraLord Shiva
KailashnathLotus Eyed Lord; Lord Shiva
KailasnathLord Shiva
KairavWhite Lotus
Best Boy Name List
Best Boy Name List

Boy Name List Marathi

HemraajKing of Gold / Silver
HemrajKing of Gold; Joy; King of Wealth
HerambaName of Lord Ganesha, Boastful
HetalCheerful; Friendly; Love
HimaadriSnow Mountain
HimanishLord Shiva
HimankPrecious Diamond
HimanshuOne who Radiate Cool Light
HimmatCourage, Desire, Strength
HimnishLord Shiva
HindIndia; Hundred Camels
HindolaA Raga
Best Boy Name List
Best Boy Name List

Boy Name List – Hindu 2023

HemamdarGolden Creeper
HemangPart of Ice, Golden Bodied
HemantGold, One of the Six Seasons
HemanthSeason, Made of Gold, Ritu
HemaprakashGolden Light
HemarajKing of Gold
HemchanderGolden Moon
HemdevLord of Wealth; Lord Hanuman
HemenKing of Gold
HemendraLord of Gold; King of Gold
HemenduGolden Moon
HemishLord of the Earth
Best Boy Name List
Best Boy Name List

Boy Name List Muslim

HiralBearer of Diamonds, Like Angel
HiranmayaMade of Gold
HiranyaDiamond, Gold, A Precious Metal
HiranyakName of a Maharishi
HirenDiamond, Lord Genius
HirendraLord of the Diamonds; Genius
HireshKing of Gems; Lord of Diamonds
HishamGenerous, Noble, Handsome
HitakritPerson Doing Good, Well Wisher
HitenHelping Others; Good; Angel
ArnieEagle Power, Exalted, On High
ArnoldAs Powerful as an Eagle
ArnonRushing Stream, Torrent Valley
Best Boy Name List
Best Boy Name List

Boy Name List Hindu in Hindi

EhanFull Moon
EhimayAll Pervasive
EkaLord Vishnu, Matchless, Alone
EkaakshOne Eyed; Lord Shiva
EkaaksharaA Name for Lord Ganesha
EkaanshWhole; Undivided
EkaatmaaOneself; Alone
EkachakraSon of Kashyapa
EkadantAnother Name of Lord Ganesha
EkadyuSupreme Sky
Best Boy Name List
Best Boy Name List

Boy Name List Indian

EkalingName of Lord Shiva5
EkalingaLord Shiva / Ganesh6
EkambarSky; Lord Shiva6
EkanaLord Vishnu / Shiva; Strong5
EkanathAdvise; King6
EkanshWhole; Universe4
EkapadLord Shiva2
EkavirBravest of the Brave3
EkaviraLord Shiva’s Daughter4
EkayavanThe Wise One8
EkbalDignity; Lord Shiva’s Daughter4
Best Boy Name List
Best Boy Name List

Boy Name List A Letter

AtikshWise; King of Knwolage5
AtishobhanHandsome; Distinguished7
AtmaSoul; Light of the Lord8
AtmajyotiLight of the Soul6
AtmanThe Self4
AtmanandaBlissful Soul6
AtmikRelating to the Soul9
AtraiuGreat Warrior7
AtulLion, Matchless, Uncomparable9
AtulyaIncomparable, Matchless8
AusTo Give; Gift5
AvalokOne who Beholds8
AvanikThe Earth4
Best Boy Name List
Best Boy Name List

Boy Name List S Letter

SujalPure Water, Holy Water, Purity9
SujanHonest, Wise, Exalted Knowledge2
SujatBelonging to a Good Clan8
SujayVictory; Winner; Victory of Good4
SujeshPeace; Lord Shiva1
SujilGoodness; Holy Water8
SukantOne with a Sweet Voice5
SuketuA Yaksha King, Of Good Banner7
SukritGood Deed8
Best Boy Name List
Best Boy Name List

Boy Name List English

LakhanBrother of Lord Rama2
LakshTarget; Aim6
LakshanActivities; Aim; A Mark; Token3
LakshanaAim; Target4
LakshanyaOne who Achieves2
LakshithDistinguished, Aim, To Observe7
LakshmanBrother of Lord Rama, Prosperous7
LakshmananGod Ram’s Brother4
LakshminathLord Vishnu8
LakshmiramanLord Vishnu3
LakshyaAim; Target5
Best Boy Name List
Best Boy Name List

Final Words

We hope you have liked the Boy Name List that we have provided in this article. You can also let us know the name that you have chosen for your child by just post it in our comment box.

If you have any other Boy Name List, you can also let us know and we would include it in our article.

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