185+ Best Baby Boy Names Firstcry 2023

In this article we have mentioned about the list of Baby Boy Names Firstcry along with their meaning. Names are the foremost gift that a parent give to their child.

Therefore we have brought together the list of top Baby Boy Names Firstcry from which you can select for your child.

295+ Best Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with P

Best Baby Boy Names with J Hindu

Baby Boy Names Firstcry

NrupadhFeet of a King1
RaaziThankful for anybody; Satisfied; Contended; Pleased1
RababWhite Cloud; Musical Instrument6
RabahGainer; Storey Teller3
RabekGod is One1
RabekGod is One1
RabenKing of All; Intelligent4
RabenSunny; A bird4
RabhavSkilled; Glowing Rays of the Sun7
RabhuSkillful; Prudent5
RabiSpring; Breeze3
Baby Boy Names Firstcry
Baby Boy Names Firstcry

Muslim Baby Boy Names Firstcry

MaanikRuby; Valued; Honoured; Gem4
MaanikaFull of Respect; Ruby5
PadamabhuBorn of the Lotus4
PadamadevLord of Lotus; Name of Lord Vishnu4
NrithikLord Shiva / Nataraja8
NrithyikLord Shiva / Nataraja; Dancer6
NrityapriyaLover of dance3
Baby Boy Names Firstcry
Baby Boy Names Firstcry

Baby Boy Names Starting with S Firstcry

SaadhinAchievement; Work2
SaadvikA tree4
SaagarOcean; Sea2
SaagarSea; Ocean2
SaagarikBelonging to the ocean4
SaageshLord Shiva6
SaagnikOne who wins the fire; Fiery; Passionate; Married8
SaahasConfidence, Strong, Lord Vishnu4
SaahasValour; Bravery; Happy; Laughing4
SaahasyaMighty; Powerful3
SaahatStong; Powerful5
Baby Boy Names Firstcry
Baby Boy Names Firstcry

Baby Boy Names Starting with A Firstcry

AabhasFeeling; Virtual5
AabhasThe Sense or Feelings5
AabhatShining; Visible; Brilliant6
AabheerA cowherd; Name of a dynasty4
AabherA Cow-herd8
AabirFragrance, Cloud, Passing by4
AacharyaA prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide; Teacher4
AachmanIntake of a sip of water before a Yagya, Puja5
AacishGod Name5
AadamyaApne Dam par1
AadanAcceptance; Holding3
AadarReverence, Commencement7
AadarsThe Ideal8
AadarshIdeal; The Sun; Principle; Belief; Excellence7
AadarshaIdol; Mentor; With an ideology8
AadavanThe Sun8
Baby Boy Names Firstcry
Baby Boy Names Firstcry

Baby Boy Names Starting with M

MaahikEarth; Great7
MaahilKindness, Lord Vishnu, The World8
MaahirExpert; Brave5
MaaksharthIt means, Precious part of a Mother’s heart1
MaalavA musical raag; Ansh of Goddess Lakshmi; Horse keeper5
MaalikGod, Experience, Master, Lord2
MaalinOne who Makes Garlands5
MaalolanName of deity in ahobilam6
MaanLecturer; Respect; Supernatural power; Lord of mind; Opinion; Devotion; Home; Pride; Respect home2
MaanHeart; Mind; Lecturer; Respect2
MaanavMan; Youth; Relating to Manu; Humankind; Human being; Pearl; Treasure human being7
MaandavAn able administrator; Fit; Competent2
MaandavikBelonging to people; Administrator4
MaandhanRich in honour; Honourable2
Baby Boy Names Firstcry
Baby Boy Names Firstcry

Baby Boy Names Starting with P Firstcry

PaarasPrecious Stone; Costly Metal2
PaarbrahmThe Supreme Spirit6
PaarthAnother Name of Arjuna1
PaarthaArjuna; Son of Pritha2
PaavakPure; Fire7
PaavakaFire; Gold8
PaavanPurifier, Water, Air, Pure1
PaawanPure; Wind2
PabitraPurity; Holy4
PachaiYouthful; Resourceful2
PadakPendant; Medal6
Baby Boy Names Firstcry
Baby Boy Names Firstcry

Baby Boy Names Starting with N Firstcry

NohitBlessed One3
NolakhLovely; Good7
NomitNominate for Particular Work8
NomitNominate for Particular Work8
NomitaDevotee; One who Worships; Goddess Durga9
NoorDivine Light, Attribute of God8
NovishLord Shiva6
NridevKing amongst men9
NridevKing Amongst Men9
NrigatamStrongest Among Men2
NripKing; Like Lord of State3
Baby Boy Names Firstcry
Baby Boy Names Firstcry

Baby Boy Names Starting with D Firstcry

DaanveerGiver; Warrior Karna7
DaasharathiLord Rama, Son of Dasharatha9
DaataOne who Blesses the Devotees9
DaayadeshwarLove of Eshwar2
DabirWriter; Teacher7
DadheechiDivine Rishi2
DadhyanSeller of Milk3
DagaCamel; Thirsty4
DaganCorn or Grain9
DahaBlazing; Very Bright5
DahakDestroyer; Powerful7
Baby Boy Names Firstcry
Baby Boy Names Firstcry

Baby Boy Names Starting with V Firstcry

VaarnikPure Gold4
VaarshaneyLord Vishnu6
VaasavadattaA Name in Sanskrit Classics5
VaasavadattaA name in Sanskrit classics5
VaasuLord Vishnu1
VaasukiA Celestial Cobra3
VaathavegaOne of the Kauravas7
VaatsyaayanAn Author of Old Times; Saint4
VaayuThe Vital Air; Wind7
VaayuBreeze; Wind; Divine7
VaayunGod; Lively; Moving; Active; Alive; Clear3
VabhaviLandlord; Rich person2
VacasyaReadiness of Speech9
VachanSpeech; Declaration; Vow4
VachanPromise; Utterance; Words; Speech4
Baby Boy Names Firstcry
Baby Boy Names Firstcry

Baby Boy Names Starting with R Firstcry

RaajyashreePropriety of a King3
RaakaaDay of the Full Moon6
RaamLord Rama; God; Supreme Spirit6
Raam-DattGift of Rama6
RaamaanujYounger Brother of Rama8
RaamdattGift of Rama6
RaameshLord Vishnu; Preserver or the one who saves from danger2
RaaviSun; River6
Baby Boy Names Firstcry
Baby Boy Names Firstcry

Final Words

In this article we have listed the top and unique Baby Boy Names Firstcry along with their meaning so that you do not have go elsewhere searching for their meaning.

We have segregated together the most beautiful names so that you can select from these without any hesitation.

You can also share the article with your friends and family before selecting a name for your child.

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