105+ Best Baby Girl Names that Start with O 2023

As you know the most important gift that you give your child is the name. We always think twice before naming the child and also check the numerology of the child.

Numerology is very important as it can change the behavior of your child. Therefore we have brought you the list of Baby Girl Names that Start with O along with their meaning and numerology.

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Baby Girl Names that Start with O

OashniGod’s Precious Gift3
OdakaApple Flavour5
OdathiRefreshing; Owner3
OdikaWild Rice; Anklet4
OeshiGod’s Precious Gift2
OeshiDivine; Rose2
OhanaFriend; Family3
OindrilaAnother Name for the Wife of Indra (Another Name of the wife of Lord Indra)1
OindrilaAnother Name for the Wife of Indra1
OishaniAnother name of young Goddess Parvati3
OishiGift of God, Divine6
Baby Girl Names that Start with O
Baby Girl Names that Start with O

Baby Girl Names that Start with O Unique

OjabalaHaving Power6
OjalSplendour; Vision; Shelter2
OjasaSplendour, Shine, Vigour1
OjashviBright, Glow, Vitality3
OjashviiFull of Light3
OjashviniBright, Splendid, Full of Light8
OjashweeBright, Splendid, Energetic5
OjashwiSplendid; Bright; Full of Light4
OjashwiniBright, Splendid, Full of Light9
OjasiEnergetically; Strong; Vigorous9
OjasiniEnergetic; Vigorous5
OjastaraVigorous; Powerful; Energetic4
OjasvatiFull of Brightness7
Baby Girl Names that Start with O
Baby Girl Names that Start with O

Girl Names Starting with O

OjasviniFull of Brightness, Splendid9
OjasvitaFull of Brightness, Energetic7
OjaswaniAll day singing2
OjasweeFull of Light, Shining, Bright6
OjaswineeBrave; Energetic; Powerful2
OjaswiniFull of Brightness1
OjaswitaBright brightness; A person symbolic of brightness8
OjaswitaEnergetic, Brightness8
OjayatiHaving Vital Energy; Vitality9
OjayitaOne who Behaves Courageously9
OjeetaBorn in the Month of Falgun2
OjeswiShining, Bright, Full of Light9
OjmanaSpeedy; Vigorous9
OlaWealth, Ancestor, Precious, Worth1
OleviaLike olive1
Baby Girl Names that Start with O
Baby Girl Names that Start with O

Top Baby Girl Names that Start with O

OliAngel, Honeybees, Kind Hearted9
Om SriCombination of God2
OmaLeader, Giver of Life, Commanding2
OmaLife giver2
OmairaAwesome; Star; Red3
OmajaResult of Spiritual Unity4
OmajaA result of spiritual unity4
OmakshiAuspicious Eyed4
Baby Girl Names that Start with O
Baby Girl Names that Start with O

517 Baby Girl Names Starting with Letter O

OmanaProtector, Friend, Helper8
OmelaBeautiful; Graceful1
OmeswariDevoted Towards Devotion4
OmiThe Sound of Universe; Warrior1
OmikaKind; God Gift4
OmilaProtector; Friend5
OmisaGoddess of Birth; Life and Death3
OmishaSmile; Goddess of birth & death2
OmishaGoddess of Birth / Death2
OmitaTrue Pearl; Lord Shiva4
OmjaBorn of Cosmic Unity3
OmkarSound of the Sacred Syllable4
OmkaraAn Auspicious Beginning5
OmkaraaAn Auspicious Beginning6
Baby Girl Names that Start with O
Baby Girl Names that Start with O

Final Words

We hope you liked the names given in the above list of Baby Girl Names that Start with O. You can also share the names with your friends and family and ask them to give their opinion before you select the name for your child.

If you have any such good name for your child, you can let us know by commenting in the comment box and we would add it in our list.

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