If you are in a situation where a new baby is born in your family and the astrologer has suggested his name with letter I, then in this article you can find a lot of trending names based on letter I.
Not only names, but complete details such as meaning, trend status, religion, numerology is provided in this article. You can read the article thoroughly to find the best for your baby.
501+ Hindu Tamil Boy Names Start with G
501+ Hindu Tamil Boy Names Start with E
Tamil Boy Names Start with I
Name | Gender | Numerology | Meaning | Region/Ethnicity | Trends | Religion |
Ikshu | Boy | 16 | Sugarcane | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Indrajit | Boy | 31 | Conqueror of Indra | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ishan | Boy | 23 | Sun, Lord Shiva | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishaan | Boy | 24 | Sun, Lord Shiva | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ikshan | Boy | 22 | Sight | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishwar | Boy | 30 | God | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Indraneel | Boy | 41 | Sapphire, Lord Vishnu | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ikshit | Boy | 26 | One who is visible | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ilesh | Boy | 23 | Lord of the Earth | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Inderjit | Boy | 30 | Triumph of the God | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Indra | Boy | 24 | King of Gods | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Indushekhar | Boy | 50 | Lord Shiva | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ijay | Boy | 13 | Lord Vishnu | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Indivar | Boy | 31 | Blue lotus | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Inder | Boy | 24 | God of weather and war | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Indumal | Boy | 26 | Lord Shiva | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ish | Boy | 17 | God, Lord Vishnu | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Irya | Boy | 18 | Powerful, Agile | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |

Tamil Boy names starting with I
Ishrit | Boy | 27 | Connection | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indus | Boy | 19 | The river Indus | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Indravadan | Boy | 34 | Lord Indra’s actions | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Indujanak | Boy | 31 | Father of the moon | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ivaan | Boy | 16 | Sun, God’s gracious gift | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indradutt | Boy | 32 | Gift of Indra | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indraneesh | Boy | 41 | Lord of Indra | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Indushekhar | Boy | 50 | One who wears the moon | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Itish | Boy | 28 | Such a Lord | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indrakanta | Boy | 33 | Moonstone | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indradyumna | Boy | 47 | A name of Lord Vishnu | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ipsit | Boy | 22 | Desired | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Idaspati | Boy | 34 | God of rain (Varun) | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Indrashish | Boy | 44 | Blessing from Indra | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishanesh | Boy | 33 | Lord of the Sun | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Indranuj | Boy | 29 | Reflection of Lord Indra | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Induprakash | Boy | 48 | Brightness of the moon | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ibraheem | Boy | 39 | Name of a prophet | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indusagar | Boy | 39 | Ocean of the Moon | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |

Tamil modern Baby Boy names starting with I
Ikjot | Boy | 18 | The one light | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Iman | Boy | 15 | Faith in God | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Isal | Boy | 11 | Bright | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ishwarpreet | Boy | 47 | Lover of God | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indranil | Boy | 35 | Another name for Lord Shiva | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ishanpreet | Boy | 46 | Love for the Sun | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indrajyoti | Boy | 38 | The light of Indra | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Indradatt | Boy | 34 | Gift of Indra | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ibhya | Boy | 21 | Possessor of many attendants | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ishank | Boy | 25 | Peak of the Himalayas | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Idhit | Boy | 22 | God of rain (Varun) | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishankit | Boy | 36 | Marked by God | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ihsaan | Boy | 24 | Kindness, compassion | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Induleksh | Boy | 39 | The moon | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ikshith | Boy | 33 | One who has an eye on everyone | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Indupati | Boy | 38 | Master of the moon | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ishansh | Boy | 30 | Part of the sun | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ikshuak | Boy | 29 | Sugar cane | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ikshul | Boy | 25 | Pine tree | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |

Tamil Boy names beginning with I
Indrath | Boy | 35 | King of the stars | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Induvansh | Boy | 38 | Part of the moon | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Idhayan | Boy | 30 | Joy of heart | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indirashis | Boy | 46 | Blessing from Lord Indra | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Irihan | Boy | 30 | Another name for Lord Hanuman | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ishrit | Boy | 27 | Connection with God | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishwarpal | Boy | 39 | Protected by God | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ishwardutt | Boy | 43 | Gift from God | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ishwarjot | Boy | 37 | God’s Light | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Induhasan | Boy | 35 | Like a moon | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ishwarprem | Boy | 48 | Love for God | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishwarbhakti | Boy | 51 | Devotion to God | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Indukaladhar | Boy | 43 | Another name for Lord Shiva | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ishanaditya | Boy | 45 | Sun | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indushekhar | Boy | 44 | Lord Shiva | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ikrar | Boy | 21 | Promise, pledge | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ishanprakash | Boy | 50 | Light of the morning sun | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishanvikram | Boy | 50 | The sun’s chariot | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ishwardas | Boy | 38 | Servant of God | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Indutripati | Boy | 46 | Husband of the moon (night) | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |

Indian Tamil Baby Boy Names starting with I
Ibhij | Boy | 20 | Lord Vishnu | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishwardhan | Boy | 41 | God’s riches | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishaneshwar | Boy | 47 | God of the sun | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ibhreet | Boy | 33 | Fearless | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishandev | Boy | 34 | God of the Sun | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ikansh | Boy | 23 | Whole | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ibhav | Boy | 20 | Possessor | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ijay | Boy | 15 | Lord Vishnu | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ilandev | Boy | 27 | The Earth | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indulekh | Boy | 33 | A ray of the moon | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ishanvi | Boy | 32 | Lord of the Sun | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ikshu | Boy | 18 | Sugar cane | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ilan | Boy | 16 | Tree | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishwardas | Boy | 38 | Servant of God | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ijyaraj | Boy | 27 | King of sacrifices | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Indudhar | Boy | 35 | Wearing the moon | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Indrasish | Boy | 41 | Blessing of Indra | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishankar | Boy | 32 | Lord Shiva and Sun together | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ihaan | Boy | 20 | The Earth, Leader | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ikroop | Boy | 26 | Oneness with God | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ishanatma | Boy | 40 | Divine soul | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishwarprasad | Boy | 52 | God’s grace | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Indumaalav | Boy | 37 | A king | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ishvaraprasad | Boy | 53 | God’s grace | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |

Final Words
Hopefully, this article is helpful and valuable for your family. In case, you have selected the name of your baby boy, you can share with us in the comments section.