When a new guest is about to come in the house, there is a great excitement in the people of that family, and when it comes to naming the child, not only the family but also the relatives and friends are very excited.
Everyone suggests new names for the child and parents will also try to search for a unique name for their child.
Therefore in this article we have suggested beautiful Turkish Baby Boy Names along with their meaning.
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285+ Top Best V Names for Boy Hindu
Turkish Baby Boy Names
Ertugrul | Clean Hearted, True Hero | ارتغرل |
Sibel | A Turkish name meaning a Prophetess or an Oracle | سیبل |
Altan | Mongolian – Golden; Turkic – Red Dawn; A variant of name Altin | التان |
Demir | One who is made of Iron | ڈیمر |
Ozan | A bard; a story teller and a composer | اوزان |
Aylin | Turkish – Halo of the Moon; Light; A variant form is Aylin | آئلن |
Emre | a friend who is loving or an older brother. | ایمر |
Eylül | The month September | — |
Aagha | Leader, Ruler, Master, Chief | آغا |
Can | One who is full of spirit, life and heart | — |
Deniz | Sea of happiness | ڈینیز |
Aaghaa | Leader, Ruler, Master, Chief | آغا |
Emin | it means someone who is trustworthy or confident. | ایمن |
Pasha | A Lord | پاشا |

Turkish Baby Boy Names Starting with A
1. Abdullah: servant of God
2. Abi: elder brother
3. Acar: bright
4. Adem: Som of the red earth
5. Adlee: just; fair
6. Ahmet: greatly praised
7. Akar: stream
8. Ali: lofty; elevated
9. Alp: heroic
10. Alpaslan: heroic lion
11. Altan: red dawn
12. Aras: equal; balanced
13. Asaf: gather; harvest
14. Asker: warrior; soldier
15. Aslan: lion
16. Ayaz: cool breeze
17. Aybars: there is the moon
18. Aydin: intelligent
19. Azad: free
20. Aziz: strong; powerful

Turkish Baby Boy Names with Meaning
Alp | A brave hero known for his valour and sacrifice is a demanding name to take. | الپ |
Baris | Peaceful, calm, quite | بارس |
Emira | someone who is worhty or merit or a princess. | امیرہ |
Aibak | Slave Messen | ایبک |
Yildiz | Star | یلدز |
Baki | One who has a quick and analytical mind | بکی |
Aiyla | Moonlight or moon halo, A beautiful girl who is strong a fighter and is so easy to fall in love with. | عائلہ |
Ozge | A unique and different individual | اوزے |
Halime | Gentle, Mild | حلیمے |
Tabib | Doctor, someone who cures the sick | تبیب |
Lunara | Kazakh short form of Gulnara It means flower, rose and pomegranate | لونارا |
Emel | it means desire. | ایمل |
Ender | in Turkish language it means scarce. | اینڈر |
Afandi | Mighty | آفندی |
Filiz | To spring up and develop | فلز |
Hasad | Turkish – Harvest; Reaping; A variant name is Hassad | حاسد |

Turkish Baby Boy Names with Urdu Meaning
Altamash | Army chief | التمش |
Elif | One with a slender body; original | ایلف |
Murat | Wish come true | مرات |
Esra | it means more or quick. | ایسرا |
Hande | Turkish- A woman with a infectious smile | ہانڈے |
Alara | Altaic – Mythological Aquatic Fairy; One who makes things beautiful; Water Fairy | الارا |
Ayleen | Turkish – Halo of the Moon; Light; A variant form is Aylin | عائلین |
Burak | To be strong and fast as a lightning bolt | برق |
Afridi | A tribe name | آفریدی |
Orhan | Meek in spirit or manner. | اورہان |
Eren | a Turkish word meaning saint. | ایرن |

Turkish Baby Boy Names with A
Akay | Near a full moon or illuminating light of full moon, full moon. | آکے |
Altamash | Army chief | التمش |
Afridi | A tribe name | آفریدی |
Altan | Mongolian – Golden; Turkic – Red Dawn; A variant of name Altin | التان |
Aagha | Leader, Ruler, Master, Chief | آغا |
Aaghaa | Leader, Ruler, Master, Chief | آغا |
Alp | A brave hero known for his valour and sacrifice is a demanding name to take. | الپ |
Aibak | Slave Messenger | ایبک |
Afandi | Mighty | آفندی |
Akay | Near a full moon or illuminating light of full moon, full moon. | آکے |
Abay | Being talented | ابے |
Asur | A Turkish term used for Assyrians. | اسور |
Abi | (Hebrew) Father, (Turkish) Elder Brother, French (Priest) | ابی |
Ahmet | Ahmet are the principal transliterations of an Arabic given name, Ahmed | — |
Afridi | The name of one of the tribes or clans. | آفریدی |
Aydar | Topknot or forelock, referring to the hairstyle of ancient Turkic warriors | آیدار |
Ajnur | Moonlight, glow of the oon. | اجنور |
Akara | Chief deity. One who love change and challenges, but take too many risks | اکارا |
Ata | Arabic – Gift; Fante – One of Twins; Turkish – Ancestor, Predecessor | عطا |
Adalar | The island or the red island | ادلار |

Turkish Baby Boy Names Modern
1. Bahadir: brave and valiant
2. Baki: quick and analytical mind
3. Balian: master; lord
4. Baran: rain
5. Baris: peaceful
6. Basir: discerning; clever
7. Bata: mate; friend
8. Batuhan: strong ruler
9. Bayar: a delightful person
10. Bayram: holiday
11. Bedir: full moon
12. Berk: solid; rugged
13. Bilal: wetting; moistening
Final Words
As per Hindu religion, sixteen types of rituals are performed after the birth of a child, and one of these is the naming ceremony, in which the child is named.
Thus, if you want to name your child with a unique Turkish Baby Boy Names then we have brought you a list of most unique names. You can also seek the opinion of your elders before finalising the name for your child.