205+ Best M se Baby Boy Names 2023

We welcome everyone to the new set of article where we would explaining the M se Baby Boy Names. Parents who want to name their child starting with the letter M, we have brought this article where we had mentioned the top most beautiful M se Baby Boy Names.

Parents are eager to name their child with a unique name so that their child stand out from the rest. Here we mentioned the most wonderful names starting with the letter M. We have also mentioned the meaning of each and every name.

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M se Baby Boy Names

MaadeshLord Shiva
MaadhavAnother name of Lord Krishna; Sweet like honey
MaahirExpert; Brave
MaaksharthIt means, Precious part of a Mother’s heart
MaalavA musical raag; Ansh of Goddess Lakshmi; Horse keeper
MaalinOne who makes garlands; Wearing a garland; Crowned; Gardener
MaalolanName of deity in ahobilam
MaanLecturer; Respect; Supernatural power; Lord of mind; Opinion; Devotion; Home; Pride; Respect
MaanasMind; Soul; Brilliant; Spiritual thought; Heart intellect; Desire; Human being; Insight; Cheerfulness
MaanavMan; Youth; Relating to Manu; Humankind; Human being; Pearl; Treasure human being
MaandavAn able administrator; Fit; Competent
Best M se Baby Boy Names
Best M se Baby Boy Names

M se Baby Boy Names in Hindi

MaandavikBelonging to people; Administrator
MaandhanRich in honour; Honourable
MaanikRuby; Valued; Honoured; Gem
MaansikIntellectual; Fanciful; Psychic
MaanvirBrave heart
MaarginGuide; Pioneer
MaargitPearl; Desired; Needed
MaarishCalf star of the sea; Worthy; Respectable
MaarmikIntelligent; Influential; Insightful; Perceptive
MaarshakRespectable; Worthy
MaarutAir; God of the wind; Another name for Lord Vishnu; Brilliant; Breeze; The storm God; Belonging to the wind
MaatharTraveller; Voyager
MaathurFrom or relating to Mathura
MaayanWater source; Indifferent to wealth
Best M se Baby Boy Names
Best M se Baby Boy Names

M se Baby Boy Names Latest

MaayinCreator of the universe; Creater of the Maya; Illusionary; Wily; Magician; Enchanting; Another name for Brahma; Shiva enchanting
MadanCupid; God of Love; Man filled with beauty; Intoxicating; Pleasing; Another name for the Love God Kaama; Spring; Passion
Madan GopalLord Krishna, Gopal, The Lord of Love
MadanapalLord of Love
MadangopalLovely cowherd; Lord Krishna
MadanmohanAttractive and lovable
MaderuWorthy of praise
MadeshLord Shiva; Lord of intoxication; Name of Shiva
MadeshwaranLord Shiva
MadevLord Shiva; Most powerful god
MadhanCupid; God of Love; Man filled with beauty; Intoxicating; Pleasing; Another name for the Love God Kaama; Spring; Passion
Best M se Baby Boy Names
Best M se Baby Boy Names

M se Baby Boy Names Hindu

MadhavAnother name of Lord Krishna; Sweet like honey
MadhavaAnother name of Lord Krishna; Sweet like honey
MadhavanLord Shiva
MadhavdasServant of Lord Krishna
MadheshLord Shiva; Lord of intoxication; Name of Shiva
Madhu SmithaSweet face
MadhubanLord Vishnu; Flower garden
MadhudeepGod of Love
MadhughneKiller of demon Madhu
MadhughoshSweet sounding
MadhujMade of honey; Sweet; Sugar
MadhukA honeybee; Melodious; A bird; Honey coloured; Sweet
MadhukantThe Moon
MadhukantaThe Moon
MadhukarHoneybee; Lover; The mango tree
MadhukeshHair of Lord Vishnu
MadhukiranSweet ray as from God
MadhumayConsisting of Honey
MadhupA honeybee
MadhupalHoney keeper
MadhusoodanLord Krishna, One who killed demon Madhu
Best M se Baby Boy Names
Best M se Baby Boy Names

M se Baby Boy Names Hindu Modern

MadhusudhanLord Krishna, One who killed demon Madhu
MadhuvemanLord Krishna, One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying his sweet and attractive nature
MadhyamChannel; Medium; Intermediary
MadirNectar; Wine; Intoxicating
MadurSweet; Melodious; Amiable
MadursanPease maker
MadvanIntoxicating; Delightful; Drunk with joy
MagadhSon of Yadu
MagadhaSon of yadu
MaganEngrossed; Absorbed; Immersed
Best M se Baby Boy Names
Best M se Baby Boy Names

M se Baby Boy Names Muslim

MaghName of a Hindu month
Maha DhyutaMost radiant
Maha GanapatiOmnipotent and supreme Lord
MahabahuOne of the Kauravas; Arjuna
MahabalaHaving immense strength; Great strength; Enormously strong Lord
MahabaliOne with great strength
MahabhujaGiant armed; Broad chested Lord
MahabuddhiExtremely intelligent
MahadevAnother name of Lord Shiva, Greatest God
MahadevaAnother name of Lord Shiva, Greatest God
Mahadevadi PujitaWorshipped by Lord Shiva and other divine Lords
Best M se Baby Boy Names
Best M se Baby Boy Names

M Akshar se Baby Boy Names

MahaduthMost radiant (Lord Hanuman)
MahaganapatiOmnipotent and supreme Lord
MahajThe place of war; A noble descent; From a noble family
MahajanGreat Man
MahakFragrance; Scent; Eminent; A great person; A tortoise; Another name for Vishnu
MahakalLord of Lord Shiva
MahakalaLord of all times
MahakaleshwarLord Shiva, The meaning of Kaal in Hinduism is time, and the Maha or greatness of Lord Shiva is thought to be greater than time itself
MahakayaGigantic; Lord Hanuman
MahakethuLord Shiva; Maha – great; Powerful; Supreme; Ketu – the node; Form; Banner; Leader; Brightness; A ray of light; Ensign; Any eminent person; Intellect; Knowledge
MahaketuLord Shiva; Maha – great; Powerful; Supreme; Ketu – the node; Form; Banner; Leader; Brightness; A ray of light; Ensign; Any eminent person; Intellect; Knowledge
MahakramLord Vishnu; He provides easy step-by-step access to the elevation of his devotees
MahalingLord Shiva name
MahamaniLord Shiva; A precious gem; Epithet of Shiva
Best M se Baby Boy Names
Best M se Baby Boy Names

M word se Baby Boy Names

MahamatiOne with a big brain (Lord Ganesh)
MahamrityunjayaThe great victor of death
MahanGreat one; Powerful; Eminent
MahanidhiGreat storehouse
MahaniyaWorthy of honor
MahanteshGreat soul
MahantheshaThe Moon
MahapurushGreat being; Lord Rama
MahapurushaGreat being
MaharanthPollen inside a flower
MaharathA great charioteer
MaharavanamardanaSlayer of the famous Ravana
MaharshGreat saint
MaharshiA great saint
MaharthVery truthful
MaharudraIt means the biggest (Maha) Rudra Shiva; Name of Lord Shiva
Best M se Baby Boy Names
Best M se Baby Boy Names

M Letter se Baby Boy Names

MahashOne who does not smile; Serious; Unsmiling
MahashaktimayaOne who has boundless energies
MahatapasGreat meditator
MahatapaseGreat meditator
MahatejLord Shiva; Most brilliant; Powerful; Having energy or vigor; Name of Shiva; Vishnu; Epithet of Agni
MahatejasMost radiant
MahatejaseMost radiant
MahatmanSupreme being
MahatmaneSupreme being
MahatruLord Vishnu; Greatest of the great; Name of Shiva; To be honored
MahaveerMost courageous among men
MahavirMost courageous among men
MahaviraMost valiant
MahayogiGreatest of all gods
MahayogineSupreme meditator
MaheExpert; Lord Vishnu
MaheeExpert; Lord Vishnu
MaheemLord Shiva; Great
Best M se Baby Boy Names
Best M se Baby Boy Names

Final Words

If you want to name your child with M in English, then we have brought the above list of names related to it. In this list, you will find M se Baby Boy Names along with their meaning.

By which you will be able to know what the meaning of these names comes out. Hope you will definitely like one or the other name from our list for your beloved and please let us know the name that you have liked the most.

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