We all know that in this modern era every parents try to find a unique and meaningful name for their newly born baby. But sometimes it becomes quite hard to finalize the name of baby.
In Hindu religion, generally the first letter of name is recommended by the astrologer and if astrologer has suggested to name your baby with letter O, then this article is meant to you.
Here you will find more than 500 lates and unique names with letter O with their meanings, numerology, religion and other details.
501+ Hindu Tamil Boy Names Start with I
501+ Hindu Tamil Boy Names Start with J
Tamil Boy Names Start with O
Name | Gender | Numerology | Meaning | Region/Ethnicity | Trends | Religion |
Om | Boy | 9 | The sacred syllable; Universal sound | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omakara | Boy | 23 | A variant of ‘Omkar’, the primordial sound | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omja | Boy | 13 | Born of cosmic unity | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omkar | Boy | 22 | Sound of the sacred syllable | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omkara | Boy | 23 | Sound of the universe’s creation | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omprakash | Boy | 39 | Divine light of the universal sound | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Onkar | Boy | 19 | Form of the omnipresent, Omkar | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Onkara | Boy | 20 | Creator of Om (Shiva) | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Oorjith | Boy | 36 | Powerful, strong | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Oha | Boy | 11 | Meditation, true knowledge | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ohas | Boy | 15 | Praise | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ojaswin | Boy | 32 | Radiant | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ojaswit | Boy | 29 | Bright | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ojayit | Boy | 25 | Courageous | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omesh | Boy | 23 | Luminary | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omkarnath | Boy | 39 | Lord of Omkar, Lord Shiva | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omvati | Boy | 24 | Sacred, Having the power of Om | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omana | Boy | 17 | A woman | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omrao | Boy | 19 | King | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |

Tamil boy names starting with O
Name | Gender | Numerology | Meaning | Region/Ethnicity | Trends | Religion |
Omswaroop | Boy | 42 | Manifestation of divinity | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ojasrawa | Boy | 26 | Full of energy | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omansh | Boy | 23 | Part of Om | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omendra | Boy | 32 | Lord of Om | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omitabh | Boy | 29 | Infinite God | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omkardas | Boy | 30 | Servant of the sound of Om | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omprakasha | Boy | 35 | Light of Om | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ojaswin | Boy | 28 | Person having high level of soul power | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ojasvat | Boy | 21 | Powerful, radiant | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omvirsingh | Boy | 47 | Brave as the sacred sound | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omprakash | Boy | 33 | Light of the cosmic sound | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omraaj | Boy | 24 | Ruler of Om | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omkara | Boy | 20 | Maker of Om | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ojasraj | Boy | 22 | King of radiance | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Onish | Boy | 21 | Beneficent, charitable | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omvijay | Boy | 30 | Victorious in the power of Om | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ojjaswin | Boy | 38 | Powerful, bright | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |

Tamil modern baby boy names starting with O
Name | Gender | Numerology | Meaning | Region/Ethnicity | Trend | Religion |
Ojasvat | Boy | 21 | Powerful, radiant | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omkaar | Boy | 20 | Sound of Om, name for Lord Shiva | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omvir | Boy | 28 | Brave person resonating the sound of Om | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omalaap | Boy | 21 | Peaceful, quiet | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ojaswee | Boy | 24 | Luminous, shining | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omja | Boy | 12 | Born out of cosmic sound | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omkesh | Boy | 23 | Lord Shiva, resonating the cosmic sound | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omanshu | Boy | 29 | Light of Om | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omin | Boy | 17 | Truthful, honest | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omjay | Boy | 20 | Victorious manifestation of Om | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omkarananda | Boy | 34 | Joy derived from the cosmic sound | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omjaan | Boy | 17 | Life derived from cosmic energy | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omrit | Boy | 22 | Immortal, ageless | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omeshwar | Boy | 33 | Lord of the Om | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ompranav | Boy | 29 | Essence of Om, the primeval sound | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omesh | Boy | 20 | Manifestation of Om, a name for Lord Shiva | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omvish | Boy | 29 | Pervading sound, omnipresent | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |

Tamil boy names beginning with O
Name | Gender | Numerology | Meaning | Region/Ethnicity | Trends | Religion |
Omvrat | Boy | 23 | Following the cosmic laws | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omratna | Boy | 24 | Jewel of Om, something precious | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omkaarini | Boy | 32 | The one who causes the sound of Om | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omswaroop | Boy | 34 | Manifestation of the divine | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omkrit | Boy | 25 | The cosmic silence after the sound of Om | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omjeevan | Boy | 28 | Life force vibrating with cosmic energy | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omsaant | Boy | 20 | Peace derived from the divine | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omsagar | Boy | 26 | As deep as the divine sound of Om | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omved | Boy | 20 | Knower of the cosmic sound | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ompriy | Boy | 27 | Beloved of the cosmic sound | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omvijay | Boy | 30 | Victory through the divine | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omvir | Boy | 26 | Brave in cosmic resonance | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ompushp | Boy | 31 | Flowering through the energy of Om | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omakar | Boy | 18 | Another form of Om | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omsakthi | Boy | 26 | Power of the cosmic resonance | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omshiva | Boy | 26 | Shiva’s cosmic resonance | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omrityu | Boy | 30 | Beyond death through cosmic energy | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omdev | Boy | 21 | Godly manifestation of Om | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omnaman | Boy | 23 | Bowing to the sound of the universe | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omjaap | Boy | 19 | Chanting the divine resonance | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ompado | Boy | 22 | Walking the path of cosmic resonance | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omaditya | Boy | 26 | Sun shining with cosmic energy | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omshivam | Boy | 28 | Shiva’s cosmic essence | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omjeev | Boy | 24 | Life with cosmic vibrations | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |

Indian Tamil Baby Boy Names starting with O
Name | Gender | Numerology | Meaning | Region/Ethnicity | Trends | Religion |
Omprakash | Boy | 34 | Light of the divine resonance | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omroop | Boy | 25 | Embodiment of the cosmic sound | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ombhav | Boy | 24 | Essence of the divine | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ommurugan | Boy | 33 | Form of Lord Muruga with Om’s essence | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ommesh | Boy | 22 | Lord of Om | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omsakshi | Boy | 31 | Witness to the cosmic vibration | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ompathi | Boy | 27 | Lord of the cosmic path | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omkesh | Boy | 21 | Lord Shiva represented by Om | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omkrit | Boy | 24 | Creation from the cosmic sound | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ompati | Boy | 24 | Master of cosmic resonance | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omswarup | Boy | 32 | Incarnation of the cosmic energy | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omkaram | Boy | 26 | Personification of the sound of Om | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Ompavan | Boy | 26 | As pure as the cosmic resonance | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ommanan | Boy | 22 | Mind attuned to cosmic vibrations | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omlokesh | Boy | 31 | Lord of the cosmic world | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omdeep | Boy | 23 | Light that emanates from the cosmic vibration | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ommohan | Boy | 30 | Enchanted by the cosmic resonance | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Omkaar | Boy | 20 | The sound of Om | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omkaresh | Boy | 32 | Lord of the Om sound | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Omavtar | Boy | 26 | Incarnation represented by Om | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |
Ompujan | Boy | 25 | Worship of the cosmic resonance | Tamil | Classic | Hindu |
Omsundar | Boy | 29 | Beautiful cosmic resonance | Tamil | Rising | Hindu |
Ombir | Boy | 22 | Brave embodiment of the cosmic sound | Tamil | Modern | Hindu |

Final Words
We hope that you have selected a few names for your baby boy. Now you can ask your parents, relatives and friends to suggest best name among them.
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